Source code for trellopy.trellopy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  ..  .module:: trellopy
      :synopsis: The "main" module. Has a Controller class that serves as
      the first layer of interaction.

    Actions which can be performed on each item include:
    Boards can be:
    Lists can be:
    Cards can be:
        ✓reordered within a list,
        ✓moved to another list
    Members can be:
        ✓assigned to cards
    Labels can be:
        ✓assigned to cards,
        ✓One label per card

from boards import Board
from members import Member
from backend import Operator

[docs]class Controller(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes a Controller class. It consists of a single *_operator* instance: :: self._operator = Operator() """ self._operator = Operator()
[docs] def new_board(self, board_name): """ Create a new board with name *board_name*. :param board_name: The name you want the board to have. :returns: A Board class, with name attribute *board_name*. """ return Board(board_name)
[docs] def get_board(self, board_name): """ Get the board that has the name *board_name*. :param board_name: The name of the board you want to get. :returns: A Board class, with Board.board populated with board data. """ board_data = self._operator.get_board(board_name) return Board(board_name, board_data)
[docs] def show_boards(self): """ Show all the boards in the database. :param: Takes no arguments, call it like it is. :returns: A somewhat human-friendly listing of all boards. """ everything = self._operator.gimme_everything() for each in everything: print "Board Name:", each['name'] print "Archived: ", each['archived'] all_lists = each['lists'] if all_lists: for single in all_lists: print " List Name:", single['name'] # print "Lists: ", each['lists']
[docs] def new_member(self, member_name): """ Add a new member with name *member_name* :param member_name: The name of the member. :returns: A Member class, with Members.person populated with name. """ return Member(member_name)
[docs] def get_member(self, member_name): """ Get existing member with name *member_name* :param member_name: The name of the member. :returns: A Member class, with Members.person populated with name. """ return Member(member_name)
[docs] def show_members(self): """ Show all members in the database. :param: Takes no arguments, call it like it is. :returns: A somewhat human-friendly listing of all members. """ everybody = self._operator.gimme_everybody() for body in everybody: print body